Monday 28 April 2008

I Despair


Today I have had to take my car for her exhaust to be mended, and so am subjected to the delights of the public transport system here. Well I can report that it's OK at the moment, the bus was on time, though the driver wasn't English and communication was shall we say, interesting.

That is NOT why I'm despairing though. At the top of our road, on the corner, opposite a school, there USED to be a lovely Edwardian house which was used as a Nursing Home. Recently it was demolished, and we have been waiting, not hopefully, to see what would be put in it's place.

Thanks to walking past it, I was able to examine the small print on the planning papers. NINE FLATS!! Nine more families in a small space, with no parking due to the school, so the rest of the road will be even more clogged up with cars.

This is happening all over Portsmouth at the moment, every available space is having flats built on it, many of the old local pubs have closed and been demolished....for flats, causing a great deal of concern with regard to jobs and general socialising facilities, not everyone likes the cold impersonal aircraft hangars of the big chains do they?

I have joked that it's NOT global warming that will sink the city, but the weight of thousands of empty flats. DO they not realise there is a credit crunch? People CANNOT afford to buy these flats!

Then there is the issue of the local infrastructure. Schools around here are already crowded, Doctors are now refusing appointments of more than 10 minutes unless it's soemthing very serious. NHS dentists are a rare species, and more and more of those are turning to private practise. The police and emergency services are already stretched to their limits, and the local fire station is likely to be closed due to cutbacks.

SO what will there be available for all these people they expect to buy all these flats? NOT good quality services that's for sure, and that is no reflection on any of the services mentioned, it's simply that they only have so much in the way of resources.

This outright rape of our country has got to stop, and stop soon, or there will be nothing left but huge sink areas, blocks of flats that no one can buy that will either be turned over to social housing (which we DO need but not at the expense of everything no matter what!), or left empty, and attracting all the crime and violence that seems to stick to those empty uncared for areas.

There are not enough jobs to keep people employed here, thus they have to commute, and we all know what that can do to the environment. Not to mention that this is an ISLAND with TWO roads off it, the congestion is bad enough as it is! Not everyone will be able to use bikes or car share to get off the island to their place of work will they?

We have already become a city of one way streets and 20mph limits, so the traffic that IS here is crawling, or the drivers become impatient which leads to more road rage and accidents. Pollution is also high, mainly in the centre of the city, but it's not good anywhere else either. Our children are breathing in all the diesel fumes etc, every day as we walk them around in their buggies.

I despair for this city, for the people living here, and for the businesses here trying to keep ahead of the supermarkets. I HOPE there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but I fear not, and it's a very very long tunnel as it is! No wonder so many people are trying desperately to escape!

Saturday 19 April 2008

Wrens' Big Adventure: Part II

OK, where was I? Oh yes, arriving at CJ's. CJ had omitted one VERY important fact though, she had not told me, that she lives on the steepest steep hill in Dover!!! I was in shock, as I TRIED to parallell park without ending up rolling to the bottom of the hill and taking several cars out on the way! The guy driving the car that was coming down the hill had tears rolling down his face as he laughed at my terror stricken expression and sigh of relief when I finally parked!

Once safely settled with a cuppa, I was introduced to TWO, yes TWO more cakes! A Carrot cake, made for me by the lovely Mr CJ, and a choccie cake, YES another one, which the delightful Miss Cj had made for me. I could see the way things were going, and was despairing of my waistline. It would however have been VERY rude NOT to eat any, and I managed to devour a fair bit of both cakes!

Then I met Cj's fur babies, and OH how delightful they all are. There are four, Scout the only boy, then there is Cluney a long haired bundle of fluff, Beast, who is REALLY caled Phoebe, who decided I was her new best friend and my lap would do for now thank you very much, and Tilly, a siamese cross with the most wonderfull personality. I have taken pics, which show how completely smitten I was with them, and I think, they with me!

There is also a visiting cat, who is as gorgeous as CJ's and we met in the garden, he came for a big fuss and was very friendly, but Cluney had followed me out, and seemed a bit peeved that someone else was getting HER fuss. He went off about 2 feet away to complete his ablutions, at that opoint Cluney came running over and sat about 1 1/2 feet away, glaring at him as if to say "STAY there, she's MY friend and NOT yours". She trotted in behind me when I went in, with a very smug look on her face.

Mr Cj came home from work to find me and CJ nattering away, and we opened a bottle of wine as it was 6 pm and perfectly acceptable, he said so! He was NOT however, impressed with how CJ had iced his cake, he was mortified, but he soon calmed down when he found that it tasted lovely and I was very taken with it. Cj's teenogres, are JUST fabulous! It's a long time since I've met such polite and positively charming youngsters. CJ1, a 17 year old lad, is wonderfully friendly and approachable, holds fabulous conversations, is very very polite, and gave up his bed for me. CJ2, is a poppet, and absolutely adorable young lady, very gracious and charming, and both are a credit to CJ and Mr CJ, who should be very very proud of them indeed.

We also had a phone call from another forum friend, the Lovely Jelly B, and it was super to chat to her for a while as well.

We sat talking and laughing into the night, and Mr Cj seemed to find a new bottle of wine each time one emptied! Eventually we headed for bed, very happy, very full of cake, and veggie lasagne and wine.

In the morning, we started off with tea and a chat, then we both had a super surprise, when Brigit Strawbridge rang for a chat. It's ages since I've spoken to Brigit and it was lovely to hear from her. Cj then took me off to see the cliffs.

When we arrived, I looked over the harbour and realised, that when CJ had said a walk along the cliffs, she meant just that! I thought it wise at that point, to mention my chronic vertigo!!!! As a result, Cj had to walk on the outside of me all the way. She has now found out two new things about me. I DO NOT like hill starts on VERY steep hills, and I DO NOT like cliffs! I'm glad I saw them though, and got pics, I HAVE been there, REALLY!

I didn't leave Cj's empty handed either, Mr CJ gave me some gifts from his Mum, a jar of Tomato Chutney, and some Runner Bean Relish, so I was laden with goodies!

All too soon it was time to meet Mr CJ for lunch, which he paid for bless him, and then head home, having discovered that the Hill start wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, and that all the innards of my exhaust had escaped onto the ground! We said our goodbyes, and off I went, into the wide blue yonder, and the delights of Rye, Old Romney...Dymchurch etc etc tec.

Wrens' Big Adventure: Part I

Ok folks, I have been on an adventure, and to give it the name it SHOULD really have, it was the Great Cake Tour of Dover!

I set off early on Thursday morning, armed with AA directions, for Whitfield to meet The lovely Nita from Creative Living and her family. WELL...I followed all the directions, and finally arrived at the A259 heading for Folkestone, Folkestone does not exist people! It is a figment of the road sign makers imagination!

I went through Eastbourne, and I MEAN through it, YE GODS that took forever, and kept on the A259, but Folkestone NEVER arrived! I ended up on a tiny road by a golf club, in the middle of Nowhere in Kent, and gave up. Headed for the M20/A20 and eventually, came over a hill, and sae..DOVER HARBOUR! Having been through, Rye, Hythe, Dymchurch, Old Romney etc etc etc!

On entering Dover, I became the filling in a lorry sandwich, and was fearing that I would be swept onto a ferry and end up in France! I managed to avoid that fate, and negotiated several roundabouts and was safely heading for Nita. Then dear friends, the Fates intervened, and I went wrong somewhere! I ended up taking refuge outside the Rugby Club and calling for help. The Lovely Nita swiftly arrived and led me to her house....FIVE MINUTES AWAY!

LOOK what was awaiting me when I got there...

Anyway, it was THE HUGEST, most chocolatey Chocolate and malteser cake I have EVER seen! Needless to say, we ate some, but were VERY good and had some Of Nitas' home made chicken soup first!

Nita is a lovely lady, and VERY accomplished with needles of all types, knitting, sewing, tapestry, cross stitch, you name it and she can do it, BEAUTIFULLY! Paul her hubby, is a lovely chap, and also very good at rabbitting, a huge bag of yummy wild rabbit is in mmy freezer and I'm looking forward to eating it next week sometime. He is also very clever, and makes his own nets, which he also sells at the Game fairs, so if you need one, look out for Paul and Nita, and you'll get yourself some super nets!

Then there is James, who is an absolute Poppet and a complete livewire, he has SOOO much energy, just like a little whirlwind, but VERY polite and a charming young man.

As for the animals in the family, Tillee and Maggie May the dogs were just SO soppy and friendly, they were all over me in the nicest way and they were gorgeous. I also got to meet Bandit and Barney, two of the polecats, and although Barney IS a little smelly, he was charming, very well behaved and so sweet. I have to say though, that Bandit was my favourite, I held her and she was so soft and sweet, tiny little girl, or Gill, and lovely. I WAS tempted to smuggle her home, but I don't think Adrian would have been very happy somehow. He WAS very happy with the big bag of jointed rabbit and the mahusive slab of cake though.

So, after a super couple of hours, it was time to head for my next port of call, the lovely CJ 5 minutes down the road, but the AA had other ideas. I asked Nita to check the directions, and guessed it wasn't good when she burst out laughing. The good old AA had started off by sending me down a dead end road! Nita drew me a map, and off I went on the next stage of the Great Cake Tour of Dover, and I am relieved to say, that I arrived safely at my destination. BUT boy oh boy, was I in for a shock!

Sunday 13 April 2008

Morning all


Well it was my birthday yesterday, and I've had a lovely, if quiet time. That's the way I like it though. We did all our usual saturday things, like the shopping, but things DID go a little haywire.

My daughter was taken ill at home on her own with Grandsmall, whilst her hubby was working over the other side of the county. SOOO the day started with a mad dash to get to her and sort out the little one and take care of daughter till he could get home.

all fine now though, daughter recovering and Grandsmall no worse the wear for Nannas ministrations.

I had the most lovley card from hubby, I shan't post a pic though, I'll just tuck it away as it's one of those that deserves to be kept. Another friend had made me a beautiful card, her skill at crafts just puts me in awe of her at times. My son and his fiancee bought me a book and some roses, which are now gracing the dining room table.

Hubby and I went out for a meal yesterday evening, which was most entertaining. I chose a table out of the way as I prefer to be in a quiet spot. There were three young couples with tiny babies a little way away, but no problem. However, I did have to laugh when one of the mums began describing, in detail, what her elder boy had been doing with his, ermm Willy one day. She went ON and ON, and quite loudly, regaled the entire area with her tales. You should have seen her face when we emerged from the little section just away from them, as she had thought no one was there. She was a tad pink!

Once we were home, we disturbed my son cooking for his fiancee, or more correctly, instructing his fiancee and then diving back upstairs to his PC to continue taking over other planets! This resulted in her firmly telling him that THAT meant SHE had cooked so HE had to wash up! Honestly, you'd think they were married already!

We retreated to the lounge to let them carry on in peace. Nothing much on the TV, HOW unusual for a Saturday, but we did catch a GEM of a few minutes on one programme. I'm putting the link to YouTube here, as it is JUST amazing, and really made my day.

Today, well it looks like the lottie plans are out, the rain has appeared once more. So I shall have to find SOMETHING to occupy hubby, who WILL be like a caged bear within half an hour! Will it EVER be a dry enough day, when he has the time, to get to the allotment?

This is when we envy the other allotmenteers who are retired or semi retired. They can get there all day every day if they want, and we have to pack it all into our precious weekends.

I have seedlings coming on a treat in the conservatory, and quite a few plants in the cold frame in the garden, they NEED to go in the ground soon though.

Ah well, at least we will have SOME veg and fruit from it, but this weather...BAH!

Right I must dash, as it's time for cleaning the bathroom, then I might make some cakes, before I have to set to on the sunday dinner. I know how to live you know, it's the high life here alright!

Friday 11 April 2008

A Wonderful Birthday Treat!

Well, it's NOT my birthday until tomorrow, but today we went to visit my friend from the Creative Living forum, Yarrow (Pony Tales and Oakmoon)! That's her above, with one of her smalls, and Toffee, who is THE most adorable horse, he loves to give kisses and likes his cuddles too!

We had the Grand tour of the field, complete with Viney cottage, and Bramble Cottage, saw an abandoned (we think!) Pheasant egg, their lovely little meditation area, and daffodils, and..brambles!

We also met Merlin! He has a bit of a reputation, he's only a baby still but has been getting a tad boisterous! He bit Yarrow a while back and that hasn't helped. NOW he is having some special lessons, as is Yarrow, and all seems to be working out so far.

Here he is playing with his Jolly Ball, he quite likes it you know.

He was picking it up and mouthing at it, tossing his head up and down with it, and generally having a rare old time. He let my hubby stroke his nose, on more than one occassion, and actually seemes very pleased to have visitors!

Toffee just looked very Serene, almost as if to say "You wait, he'll start showing off any minute now!"

Adrian and Yarrows' hubby got on like a house on fire, Yarrow thought they would, and they were nattering away 10 to the dozen like old mates. I think there will be many happy hours spent with Mr & Mrs Yarrow. There was mention of BBQ's at the field and real ale and camping in tents, which ksounds JUST like the sort of thing we should do...OFTEN!

Yarrow had put some lovely food together for us, we had pigs in blankets which were scrummy, and sausage rolls, and she had made some lovely sponge cake. I couldn't take a piccie of them though,as Yarrow says they are NOT to be seen! I was also introduced to Rose Pouchong tea, and I LOVED it, so shall be looking for that tomorrow when we go shopping.

Yarrow and family, THANK YOU for such a lovely morning, it's a shame we couldn't stay longer, but you know, it only takes a little while to get everything we need in the back of the car poppet, and we can be up there with you in the field, with a supply of hobgoblin and a chimenea, in half an hour!

Thursday 10 April 2008

Goodbye Violet

This is Violet, one of the first hens we took in from the Battery Hen Welfare Trust 14 months ago. The first pic is from when she first arrived, and shows something of the state these hens can be in, though these three were really quite good looking compared to some. The second pic was taken about a month later!

Last night my husband found her at 7.30, looking very subdued and hardly able to stand, she was obviously setting off on her last journey.

I refused point blank to leave her outside to her fate, and she came in and sat quietly cuddled up on my lap, where she stayed until it was time for her to leave around 8.15.

Goodbye Violet, I hope you enjoyed your time here, and thankyou for being such a character, showing us what glorious creatures hens are, and for all the wonderful eggs.

Safe journey my Lovely.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Wistful Wednesday.

I like the word wistful, it has a nice ring to it. It makes me think of time, time that you have JUST for you, to sit and think!
The dictionary definition, well one anyway, is Longing; wishful; desirous. I think I must quite often look wistful then, as I can often be found looking longingly at many many things. However, the thing that really does give me most pleasure, is just sitting, on my own, and reading a good book.
Like the picture above, it would be wonderful to have a beautiful garden to do that in. However, as our garden is most definitely the domain of our chickens, it's not QUITE like that image. So I look wistfully at other peoples' gardens, and imagine a sunny afternoon sitting quietly reading, or just watching the world go by.
Of course, one of the great pleasures of that scene, is making pictures and shapes from the clouds. I recall about ten years ago, when I was lucky enough to be sailing around the Canary Islands on a beautiful Tall Ship, doing just that. There were a few of us on deck at sunset, the naughty crew, having a swift smoke between watches, and we started watching the clouds. Someone spotted one that looked just like a submarine, then one appeared that resembled a boat, can you guess what happened next? YUP we fell about laughing discussing whether the sub would torpedo the boat, and completely obliterate the sunset! You had to be there, but MY did we get a telling off, one of the earlier watches was trying to sleep beneath us and we'd woken them all. I often watch a sunset now, over the sea near where we live, and remember that time, and the people that I met. Yes, I look wistful then for sure, those are moments, frozen in time, that we will never forget.
Just like the moment I held each of my children for the first time, and more recently, when I held my first grandchild for the first time, I have that picture stored, but the FEELING, that is something else. I can certainly go all wistful over that one.
I think we also get wistful over the 'What might have beens'. what would have happened if I had taken that OTHER job I was offered? would we have a nicer house if we HAD waited a bit longer before buying? Should I have gone on that trip I always wanted to instead of saving the money?
One thing I am sure of, is that life is TOO short for regrets, IF you have an opportunity to seize something, and you are able to, then DO IT. Someone once told me that the only targets you ever miss, are the ones you DON'T aim for. So I guess, you always have to take a shot, and if you miss, well, practise some more till you get it right.
Always try to remember as well, that sometimes, you may aim at the WRONG target, and THEN if you miss, you might hit the right one accidentally.
Well, time I was off, I have a bubble bath waiting for me, where I can sit in fragrant peace, and get all wistful about gardens full of Frangipane and exotic parrots, and a calm whispering breeze.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Tuesday Thoughts

The second day of the working week for me, does tend to be thoughtful for some reason. My mind meanders through all sorts of ponderings and daydreams, when it has a spare five minutes that is!

The sort of weird things that can pop into my head are things like, WHO was it that first had the idea of shoving dry pips into the ground? Did they KNOW they would grow into something edible? Did people DIE trying to discover WHAT was edible?

My mind then wanders off into the realms of why did people's costume differ so much? How did they decide the BEST way to wear things? OR, what fabric was most suitable? Then I have crazy images of people desperately trying to make a usable saddle from bits of rough hessian. Which is I suppose EXACTLY what they did.

I suppose our ancestors have ALL been inventors in some way or other. Makes me giggle to think of some sort of Neanderthal Delia wandering around trying out her best recipes on unsuspecting family members! IMAGINE! First take your husband out and point him at a herd of buffalo....4 days later when he returns with said Buffalo, you skin it, put that aside for later, I have a nifty tip for using that up ladies! So it goes on, ending up with some sort of stew that probably takes days to cook over an open fire, which you tend whilst chewing sinews into sewing thread and knocking up a few pairs of boots for the menfolk!

Makes you appreciate the microwave I suppose.

Then you think about how they introduced new foods to the family, did THEY say, "GO ON!!! TRY it, you'll never know till you do" then rush around muttering "OH DEAR" when they collapse from some sort of weird poisoning? Or was THAT just the start of medicine?

WHO was it that decided that clothes needed to be clean? Then decided that the best way to do so was to get the women to lug it all to the nearest river and bash it on the rocks? I'll BET that was a bloke! I'll also bet that he never considered for one minute all the animals/people that used the river as a latrine! I suspect there were occasions when the clothes were CLEANER when they went in than when they came out.

This of course eventually leads us to the discovery of soap. Now, WHAT sort of mind comes up with the thought one day, I KNOW I'll just pour this water through a load of ash from the fire, then I'll melt down all this fat and mix the two and I'll get bubbly stuff that can get clothes Brilliant White? Was his name Persil perchance, that famous Greek inventor known and loved the world over?

Well enough ramblings, I fear I MAY have given you a little TOO much insight into the workings of my tiny mind, scary isn't it?

Monday 7 April 2008

Monday Mutterings.

MMM It's definitely a day for Mutterings! I have spent most of the day at work, counting down the hours till I could leave for my safe haven of home. Not the best day, but I've had worse, and I always survive.

Today, whilst wading through the treacle swamp that I call work, a question popped into my head, as they do!

WHAT would you do, if all the shops and supermarkets HAD to close for 2 weeks, completely, nowhere open, no take aways, no supermarket, corner shop, newsagent, NADA? Oh and there was no advance warning either, so you haven't stocked up on anything.

Now, I mentally trawled through the cupboards and freezer, and decided that I would have enough food to last around 3 - 4 weeks, with the exception of fresh veg, that would only last for around one week. I have enough flour etc to make bread to see us through, and dried pulses will make soups and stews, cakes and biscuits would be OK as well, as would eggs as we have agood supply from our 9 chooks.

As for veg, well that would be a little tricky, we don't have much in the way of crops at the lottie yet, but we DO have plenty of seeds for salad leaves, and these would produce edible leaves quite quickly, also, there ARE some people at the allotment that DO have veg stored. It brought home to me though, that I need to do a lot more preserving of veg than I currently do, so I will be on the look out for canning jars this year, as the freezer can't hold everything we have an excess of!

Soap is also not a problem, as I make my own and have enough to last for approximately one year, and it can be used for clothes washing and shampoo as well. Toilet rolls, again we always have a large stock, but if not, we DO have vinegar and sponges, but then again, there is always soap and water in extremis.

Medicines would be difficult for anyone, and that has made me realise that I really do need to make sure that we have the basics at all times. Note to self, restock meds cupboard ASAP!

What to do though, if the meat should run out? We COULD go and hunt rabbits I suppose, but in a city there aren't that many and catching the blighters isn't that easy! We COULD find someone that DOES go hunting and buy or barter from them. OR we could just...GO WITHOUT! We have plenty of dried pulses we can use instead of meat in recipes, we also have a mushroom kit that produces several flushes of those yummy little balls of goodness.

Cheese is not essential, but comes in very handy in many recipes or just in a sandwich, and YUP, I'd make that as well. All in all, I don't think we'd actually find it too much of a bind, milk would be hard to come by as we don't have a cow or room for one, but there ARE a fair few farms around and people with goats, so I suspect that with a bit of hunting around, we'd get by.

It also made me stop and think about what we DO buy from the shops, which to be honest, isn't much these days.

SO...what would YOU do?

That should get your brain cells going.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Inaugural Poem

The title of this poem makes it HIGHLY suitable for now. Not only that, but it is by one of my favourite authors. It's a little long, but I like it!

Inaugural Poem

Maya Angelou20 January 1993

A Rock, A River, A Tree
Hosts to species long since departed,
Marked the mastodon.

The dinosaur, who left dry tokens
Of their sojourn here
On our planet floor,
Any broad alarm of their hastening doom
Is lost in the gloom of dust and ages.

But today, the Rock cries out to us, clearly, forcefully,
Come, you may stand upon my
Back and face your distant destiny,
But seek no haven in my shadow.

I will give you no more hiding place down here.

You, created only a little lower than
The angels, have crouched too long in
The bruising darkness,
Have lain too long
Face down in ignorance.

Your mouths spilling words
Armed for slaughter.

The Rock cries out today, you may stand on me,
But do not hide your face.

Across the wall of the world,
A River sings a beautiful song,
Come rest here by my side.

Each of you a bordered country,
Delicate and strangely made proud,
Yet thrusting perpetually under siege.

Your armed struggles for profit
Have left collars of waste upon
My shore, currents of debris upon my breast.

Yet, today I call you to my riverside,
If you will study war no more. Come,

Clad in peace and I will sing the songs
The Creator gave to me when I and the
Tree and the stone were one.

Before cynicism was a bloody sear across your
Brow and when you yet knew you still
Knew nothing.

The River sings and sings on.

There is a true yearning to respond to
The singing River and the wise Rock.

So say the Asian, the Hispanic, the Jew
The African and Native American, the Sioux,
The Catholic, the Muslim, the French, the Greek
The Irish, the Rabbi, the Priest, the Sheikh,
The Gay, the Straight, the Preacher,
The privileged, the homeless, the Teacher.
They hear. They all hear
The speaking of the Tree.

Today, the first and last of every Tree
Speaks to humankind.
Come to me, here beside the River.

Plant yourself beside me, here beside the River.

Each of you, descendant of some passed
On traveller, has been paid for.

You, who gave me my first name, you
Pawnee, Apache and Seneca, you
Cherokee Nation, who rested with me, then
Forced on bloody feet, left me to the employment of
Other seekers--desperate for gain,
Starving for gold.

You, the Turk, the Swede, the German, the Scot ...
You the Ashanti, the Yoruba, the Kru, bought
Sold, stolen, arriving on a nightmare
Praying for a dream.

Here, root yourselves beside me.

I am the Tree planted by the River,
Which will not be moved.

I, the Rock, I the River, I the Tree
I am yours--your Passages have been paid.

Lift up your faces, you have a piercing need
For this bright morning dawning for you.

History, despite its wrenching pain,
Cannot be unlived, and if faced
With courage, need not be lived again.

Lift up your eyes upon
The day breaking for you.

Give birth again
To the dream.

Women, children, men,
Take it into the palms of your hands.

Mold it into the shape of your most
Private need. Sculpt it into
The image of your most public self.
Lift up your hearts
Each new hour holds new chances
For new beginnings.

Do not be wedded forever
To fear, yoked eternally
To brutishness.

The horizon leans forward,
Offering you space to place new steps of change.
Here, on the pulse of this fine day
You may have the courage
To look up and out upon me, the
Rock, the River, the Tree, your country.

No less to Midas than the mendicant.

No less to you now than the mastodon then.

Here on the pulse of this new day
You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister's eyes, into
Your brother's face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning.

At The Beginning

Is usually the best place to start!

It's always the hardest part as well, so here goes, and please forgive me if I waffle.

I'm Wren, otherwise known as Wrenbird or Rainbow Wren, and I belong to a fantastic forum, which some of you may have heard about already, you can find it here go on, take a look, there's loads to find out and laugh at, sometimes cry at, and always to marvel at.

My friends their are all trying their hardest to live simple, sustainable lives, which may sound very boring, but it isn't. It's a fabulous adventure, and one I'd advise any one to set out on.

I set out on this journey a very long time ago, but I kept getting lost, mainly because I didn't REALLY know where I was heading. Now I do, I'm heading for a llife that means LIVING, not just working to live, but actually to enjoy all those other things that can fill your time outside of the workplace, if you have one, and in the home. It doesn't matter if you aren't a stay at home person, there are still SOOO many things you can do to make your life so much more enjoyable and worthwhil.

Living simply isn't difficult, you just have to know how to start. For me that was looking at life, and thinking about what I did and didn't want in it. I knew I didn't want it to just be about work and earning a lliving, nor did I want it to be hard and uncomfortable. It doesn't have to be either, I now make jams, marmalades and chutneys, bake my own bread and cakes, OH and biscuits. YES it takes a while longer than going to the shops, but the TASTE is so much better, and the feeling of achievement is indescribable.

I am not lucky enough to live in the beautiful countryside, as some of my friends do, but I can and do, try to make my home, a small haven of the tranquility that they have. WE have an allotment where we try to keep ourselves in veg the year round, we don't always succeed, but when all else fails, there's the wonderful veg box from Riverford!

I have rediscovered knitting and sewing, embroidery and learned quilting and patchwork, and am just starting out on lacemaking. I don't have much spare time, or money, b ut I like to fill that time with things I like to do and things that make me feel as if the time has been well spent. Our neighbour has even remarked at how industrious I am. I don't think I am, but I seem to be quite good at time management, I manage to make the time work in the best way for me!

Today was a quiet day really, we had snow here so that put paid to a trip to the allotment. Instead, I cleaned, as I usually do, made a loaf and some rolls, and cooked the traditional roast. Not one thing was ready made or out of a tin, and when you put a meal like that on the table for your family, it is one of lifes pleasures.

I have no doubst that I shall waffle on at length about things here at Wren Towers, some of it may even be useful. For now, I'm off to ask those lovely friends, how I go about putting a playlist on here, oh, and links to their blogs, which make my muttering seem very dull.